Is It Just Me .....
這本書,絕對適合送給憤世嫉俗的賤人,讓賤人瞭解:You are not alone!
書名:《Is It Just Me or Is Everything Shit? - The Encyclopedia of Modern Life》 ,用香港地道語,可以翻譯做:《是我柒,還是世界吃了屎?》。
Arguments between equally objectionable celebrities
when Britney Spears calls Christina Aguilera 'scary', or when Donald Trump brands Richard Branson a 'total failure'.
British journalist who never got over the end of Sex and the City
There is a certain type of British female journalist who never got over the end of Sex and the City. Constantly on the search of her own 'Big'-type guy, these are the only people in the world who still go on 'dates'.
Che Guevara merchandise
Che is everyone's favourite facial-hair-motorbike-stood-for-some-stuff-but-I-don't-know-what-it-was-and-don't-really-give-one-check-out-the-bread-man revolutionary. The sort of revolutinary you can safely put on T-shirts, clocks and candles....
Creative industries, the phase
If you listen to advertisers, you'd think they're the fucking Oracle and that for a fee they'll slip you The Answer. They are obsessed with being een as 'creative', but what they do seems rather to be 'parasticial'; pinching cultural innovations and using them to persuade people that they want stuff.
Gadget bores
It is that the magazine for gadget bores is called Stuff. That's not even a proper name. What are you interested in? Stuff. That's just stupid.
Hip hotels
Anyone who truly opens their eyes might well be moved to declare:'I have just become completely aware that I am being toally fleeced for a poky room, crap service and decor that's like the imaginings of a pretentious mental case.'
Media studies
After three years studying 'the media', I must be a real expert in 'the media'. Can I have a job in 'the media' now, please? Vacuous tossers.
Alain de Botton
He grew up with the nickname Alain 'Head As Smooth As A Baby's Botom' de Botton. This is artly why he is so interested in the concept of status anxiety.
Smart casual
Workplace clothing policy devised by the Devil which decrees that suits are too smart and jeans are too casual. So what does that leave in the middle? Fucking chinos.
The Microsoft tool that encourages people to think and talk like fuckheads.
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