Old Kot Blog

.Is It Just Me or Is Everything Shit?
.The sole cause of man's unhappiness is that he does not know how to stay quietly in his room. ~Blaise Pascal

Monday, January 9

What's Wong With you Guys?

Why do I need to face such a lot of gay guys taking MTR back to work?

北角車神大舊:每日要飲八杯水!開工梗要帶枝水!中環男單代表陳生:我要郁多o的!長沙灣師父坤哥:3低1高好易o者!What makes them have the right to share their own habit with eveyone at the platform?
佢老味,It turns out to be a 李嘉誠基Guy會 event....
no, it should be 基金會!
