Old Kot Blog

.Is It Just Me or Is Everything Shit?
.The sole cause of man's unhappiness is that he does not know how to stay quietly in his room. ~Blaise Pascal

Sunday, January 7


一生之中誰沒冷親 傷風少不免.......

Sunday, June 4



Wednesday, May 24

Superman Being Digital

為何「鬼佬電車男」雜誌《wired》六月號會選《超人回歸》的導演Bryan Singer做封面人物呢?

除因為電影有板有眼的預告宣傳,給美國漫畫FanBoy帶來無限期待以外,另一個原因,係因為本片是全球首部採用Panavision 最新Genesis HD camera拍攝的電影。

從電影製作角度,膽敢採用這部連George Lucas都未用過的HD攝影機拍電影,原來是一件十分創先河的事情。技術層面的我不太懂,但訪問中有以下對答,可以看得出導演依舊風趣鬼馬:

...Nobody had used these cameras to shoot a movie yet...And you're recording onto tape?
Bryan Singer: On to a digital tape, an $85 tape. My $200 milion movie is being recorded on a big stack of $85 tapes. It's scry. When I saw those little tapes come out of the thing, it reminded me of the days when I was a wedding videographer. Someone's whole wedding is on this one tape that could easily be erased by a magnet.

You were a wedding videgrapher?
Well, I was for one wedding.

Was it the best wedding video ever?
It was horrible. And frankly, it actually cost me money to do that job for a night, because I had to buy a suit, which I never wore again. Of the 37 jobs I've worked since I was 16, that was the shortest.

Tuesday, May 23




Situation number one, it's the one that's just begun
but evidently it's too late

Situation number two, it's the only chance for you
it's controlled by denizens of hate

Situation number three, it's the one that noone sees
all too often dismissed as fate

Situation number four, the one that left you wanting more
it tantalized you with its bait
Jack Johnson